Deciding to make a career change means you’re taking on a second full time job. It takes time to search, work with the resume writer, interview, potentially travel for interviews, and work through your network. This can take a toll both emotionally and physically. One of the best things you an do for yourself during this time is to take care of yourself physically. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll have more stamina for this journey and you’ll feel more confident. Here are a few tips to keep you in tip top shape for career search.
1. Get some sleep
There’s nothing worse than being tired. This is an important time to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Limit caffeine, turn off the TV, and allow yourself time to decompress at the end of the day. Job interviews are your time to show your stuff. Going to the interview on little sleep will leave you foggy and slow to answer questions. The same is true when networking and emailing resumes to potential employers. When you lack sleep you’re more likely to make mistakes and lack the professional communication skills employers look for.
2. Eat right
Adding interviewing, late night job board searching, and extra networking meetings to your schedule makes pulling through a drive up even more tempting. Don’t fall into the trap. Plan ahead and keep healthy snacks with you. It’s crucial to make healthy choices when you are forced to dine out and remember that a low fat, diet with a little extra protein is going to give you the stamina you need to run the career search race.
3. Fit in workouts
Fitting in networking meetings over breakfast or spending extra time submitting online applications at night can cut into your workout time, leaving you feeling out of sorts. Schedule your workouts into your calendar just like you do interviews and networking meetings. Be careful not to overdue at the gym during this time. Challenging yourself is great but pushing yourself so hard you limp into the interview the next day is probably not the impression you’re looking for.
4. Take a mental break
Your career search can be as mentally and emotionally taxing as the current job you’re trying to leave behind. Work in some mental breaks throughout this process. Whether it’s 5 minutes of meditation a day or taking a couple of hours out on a Saturday to hike in the woods, do whatever helps you reconnect and stay grounded. Managing the additional stressors by taking a mental break will help you juggle the additional demands of making career changes.